Trillions of Opportunities

New Sellers Workshop

Hello, AWS!

Winston Gardner

Augusta, Ga

AWS Certified


AWS Objective
AWS Value Propostion
AWS Machine Learning Services

What is AWS?

On demand-delivery of IT resources via the Internet

Pay as you go pricing

English Version

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Key component that powers AWS Machine Learning Services

Amazon Transcribe

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)

Creates transcript from Audio or Video

Average cost $90-$180 per hr

AWS cost $1.44 per hr

Amazon Translate

Text Translation

Batch or real-time

Average cost $120 per 1K characters

AWS cost $15 per 1K characters

Amazon Polly

Turns text into lifelike speech (TTS)

Create accessibility tools to read web content

Average cost $60-$200

AWS cost $16


Translate Text

							aws translate translate-text --text Hello! --source-language-code en --target-language-code es --output table

Spanish Version